The guilt-free mum 



Are you ready to take the path of least resistance to being the mum that you really want to be?


"I believe that motherhood is the single most important job in the world."

Why?  Because if we aren’t able to raise our children to be happy, healthy and empowered - there will be huge implications for the future - especially when you take into consideration all of the challenges that we are facing at this time.


It’s now more important than ever to raise children who are mentally and emotionally  equipped for life in this ever changing world.


So - if motherhood has such a vital role to play in the world - why is it so undervalued? By mothers and by society at large. And why does no one ever show us how to do it?


Why is it that most of the mothers I meet feel so unprepared, unconfident and unsure of the way they are mothering? 


“Because children don’t come with a manual!”


Since the dawn of time, mothers have asked the question “Why don’t children come with a manual?”… but the truth is that they actually do!


It’s just that these manuals aren’t passed down from mother to daughter, you won’t find it in any of the books in the parenting section of the bookshop and you won’t be handed one at antenatal class either.


You see - you are unique and your children are unique - and that’s why only you can write your perfect Manual for Motherhood… and when you understand the steps, you’ll find that it’s actually far  easier than you think and even fun to do.


Here are some of the benefits of the guilt-free mum programme:


  • Day to day life becomes much, much simpler and more straightforward.

  • Your child will be healthier and happier because all of their needs will be being met on a daily basis instead of just some of them.

  • You will be healthier and happier because all of your needs will be being met on a daily basis instead of just the bare minimum!

  • Your child will be more content because you will be more content. 

  • You will feel clear and confident about the way you are raising your child because you’ll have a very simple process to use whenever you need to. This process will enable you to solve any issue, problem or challenge that may arise at any time in your journey as a mother. And the process will be completely unique to you and your family… because none of us fit into a ‘cookie cutter blueprint’ for how mothering apparently ‘should’ be done!

  • Your child will feel more empowered and independent because eventually they will also learn how to use this process to get all of their needs met without anyone else’s help!

  • In short, when you know how to create your own Motherhood Manual there will be less drama, more smiles and a lot more clarity and confidence in your home - all round!

            It all begins with Understanding the innate needs that we are all born with...


            Each of us is born with 12 innate needs which, when met, ensure our ultimate health and happiness.


            When you understand what these needs are, and how to meet them - life suddenly becomes much simpler and much more joyful.


            Each of us is also born with 8 innate resources that enable us to meet those needs, but no one teaches us how to tap into these resources at school and I know that when more people understand the innate needs and resources of every person on the planet - the world will change for the better. 


            I want to show you how to ensure that every member of your family is getting their needs met (including you) and also how to show them how they can use their own innate resources to meet their own needs too.


            Imagine having a manual that contained all the answers to your deepest questions about raising happy, healthy children - in a way that feels right to you.


            A manual that you could always turn to in those moments of confusion or downright despair and know that it would always allow you to step into the clarity and confidence you need to be the mother you really want to be - with ease.  


            Imagine if this manual showed you how to meet all of your child’s innate needs and to get yours met too… for life!

            If you’re ready to let go of:

            • Feeling uncertain or judged as a mother.
            • Constantly worrying about your child’s health and wellbeing.
            • Feeling inadequate or drained as a mother. 
            • Feeling that you have little or no control of your reactions and your children’s behaviour (however old they are).
            • Feeling that you are juggling life, home, work and everything.

            If you are ready to:

            • Feel completely confident as a mother.
            • Enjoy the time you spend as a family (even more).
            • Let go of family / motherhood related stress.
            • Dramatically improve relationships with your children and other family members.
            • Be able to make the decisions your family needs you to make without second guessing yourself but knowing you’re doing the right thing.
            • Be the mother you want to be and that your children deserve.
            • Let go of any shame and blame that you may have been feeling about not being good ‘enough’.

            I invite you to take the next step with me by joining the guilt-free mum programme.


            This is an online programme that will take you step-by-step through each of the innate needs & resources, show you how to easily meet them for every member of your family (you included) and then to draw on your innate wisdom to create your own motherhood manual so that you always have the clear answers and guidance that is right for you and your family close at hand. 


            Each module you will watch a short video where I will explain one need or resource in depth.


            I’ll ask you some questions about it and you will fill in a simple workbook which will form a unique manual for motherhood which fits your life, your family and your children. 

            Only YOUr way is the “Right Way”.


            There is no one way to be a parent, but whether your choice is attachment parenting, conscious parenting, intuitive parenting or a combination of many styles - this programme will make you feel a lot more confident about choosing the way that’s right for you, your child(ren) and your partner (if you have one) too.

            At the end of this journey:

            • You will have let go of the confusion caused by the constant bombardment of well meaning advice that comes from loved ones, books, tv shows, adverts, magazines, medical professionals, supermarkets, schools… everywhere!
            • You’ll recognise the many talents and resources that you already have and remember many that you have forgotten.
            • You will learn about how to use these skills to help yourself, your children and other mothers and children.
            • You will have a simple, effective framework for raising your children in a way that really works for all of you from now on. 
            • You will be able to interact with clarity and confidence with anyone else who has a parental role with your child whether that is their father, grandparent, teacher, doctor or the state! 
            • You will become part of a growing community of mothers who are able to stand gently, kindly, but forcibly in their own power, bringing motherhood to the forefront of our society and changing the lives of our young in education, health and the workplace - one empowered mother at a time!

            This isn’t about 'How To Be a mum'

            - it’s about 'How you can be the mum that you really want to be.'


            Please don’t make the mistake of thinking I’m going to be telling you what to do in this course. I absolutely won’t. Quite the opposite.


            I’m going to reconnect you with your own innate wisdom as a mother and I’m going to show you some very simple but profoundly powerful skills and tools that will get you back there fast when the kids are in the back of the car having an argument, when you’re having a ‘supermarket moment’ or you’re just having ‘one of those days’ when everything seems to be working against you.

              • What others have said...

              • Amanda 
                I love the fact that it's a space just to be recognised as a mother, nothing else qualifies your presence. My light bulb moments have been tuning in to my creativity and how much better it makes me feel about life. I feel closer to my son as it's been a real validation of how important I am as his mother. I think the advent of parenting sometimes leads us to forget how unique we are in our children's lives. Bindi is like the mum, or trusted professional that you wished had been around at your birth and there after. She can give great clarity in just a few words; it's very empowering and has a domino effect as then you can pass this on to those that you love.

              • Sarah

                This gave me some profound realisations about what motherhood means to me. So much food for thought. I have a deeper awareness of my strengths as a mother, and a deeper feeling of sisterhood with other mothers. Definitely for any mum who wants to gain a broader understanding of how being a mum affects, challenges and supports us.

                Bindi is fully supportive, knowledgeable and caring.

              • Rachel 
                I feel more connected with myself and with other mothers. I feel that I am recognising and valuing my own needs. I can see that it is important for my children that I meet my own needs in order to fulfil theirs.
                The programme is as inspiring, challenging and as life changing as you need it to be.

              • Jayne
                I spent far too many years convinced I was an appalling mother and could probably have written a book on why. If I'd had something like this from the start I would have coped better and been the mother I wanted to be rather than been the mother I thought I should be.    

              • Rhiannon

                I question so much less the worth of what I am doing - I am really starting to feel that there is a real value in what I am doing rather than a sense of somehow not "managing" to work as well as being a mum. I have noticed a massive difference in the behaviour in particular of my eldest child since taking part in the programme - she is so much happier and seems so much more secure. I also realised that I still hadn't come to terms with the terrifying birth of my eldest daughter - I hadn't really realised it but I have always felt terrible feelings of guilt about not having been a good enough mother to her and for how she came into the world and those early numb days as we recovered from the shock. These feelings are easing and I feel so much closer to her now which is lovely. 

                I lacked confidence in my ability to be a good mother. I felt guilty and wracked with doubts and nagging thoughts about what I should / ought / needed to be doing. These guilty / nagging / doubting thoughts were really hampering my enjoyment of being a mother and getting in the way. I was constantly questioning and doubting and doing jobs / to do lists and at times was missing the moment. I now feel more confident and have shed some of the guilty / nagging doubts and thoughts and am gradually coming to understand myself more and value more what I do (rather than constantly worrying that I wasn't doing anything of value).    

              • Celine 
                I have found that so far, it has helped me relax in my mum job, it has helped me remember that I do something valuable everyday, it has helped me appreciate what I have with my children even more. 
                I started when I was feeling rather down and feeling like I was failing. I feel a bit better prepared and more forgiving towards myself.

              • Nour

                All the questions and tasks have been thought-provoking and have opened me up so that I can see things more as an observer of myself rather than getting sucked into myself. 

                Exploring generational experiences of motherhood was particularly eye-opening for me, and I found myself forgiving my mum in a heartbeat! 

                My compassion for all mothers has grown, and for myself too. I feel my role as a mother is far more important than I realised, and I feel deserving of time to myself and joyful experiences, without guilt, for the first time.    

                Motherhood is a deep and profound experience which many of us experience as isolating, lonely, boring, hard etc. 

              • Nicola

                I would recommend this to others because it encourages you to really look at all aspects of being a parent in a compassionate supportive way.

              • Sanchia

                The message is, 'the mother you are is enough' and that is empowering. I felt like a loving but ineffectual mother. Now I feel more accepting of who I am as a mum and more able to challenge.
                A chance to reclaim and really own the concept of motherhood for yourself and therefore break free from guilt and worry!    

              • Sally

                ​My purpose is to raise my children to be the best they can be. As long as my children are happy and healthy and we have enough money to live on I'm happy.

                I think lots of women are defined by their careers and struggle to 'just' be someone's mum. I wish they felt more valued in their role as a mother and less bothered by the opinions of others. 

                Motherhood doesn't come naturally to lots of women and I'd like for them to be able to get help and support from somewhere. A safe place where they can be supported and not judged.

              • Pia

                I have felt that I am doing an important job as a mother, and am still surprised how it takes all I have. Am trying to meet more of my needs, so I guess I am more supported and empowered.

                Bindi has a lot of experience as a mother and supporting mothers - it's not about teaching what to do but helping you to be strong within yourself. Thanks for doing this work - motherhood needs to be more valued.

              • Michelle

                It has made me stop and think about all the different feelings that we experience as mothers.

              • Cathy 

                I've found the programme really interesting and enlightening. There have been several light bulb moments, many around re prioritising tasks and activities. 


                I have realised that my needs for sleep and attention are valid and impact hugely on how well everything else in my life - and in my son's life - flows. 


                Also considering the full range of my son's needs - a big thing has been recognising his need for privacy, I've always had a sense that I should be entertaining and giving him my attention 100% of the time and feeling guilty about not achieving that, so it's good to accept that wouldn't be healthy even if it was achievable!


                I felt chaotic, stressed, tired, like things were very much out of my control and I was only just coping. I am now starting to see that things can change, are changing, and that some aspects of my mothering are actually pretty good! I realise that I have more respect for myself as a mother than I ever had previously.


                It's changed my attitude and given me clarity about how things are, how I'd like them to be and why. It's also the first time I've committed to doing something for myself since my son was born, which has been very valuable and which I look forward to continuing.

              Price for the entire programme:    £97  


              Q: Is this just another parenting programme?


              A: No. This isn’t a parenting programme… it’s a programme for parents and more specifically - for mothers.

              Q: Aren’t you lessening the role of fathers here?

              A: No not at all, by coming on this journey you’ll be enriching your whole family life - and as we fully understand motherhood and the role we have to play, the men in our lives will naturally begin to embrace fatherhood too - remember - they’ll be getting all of their needs met too! 

              Q:  How long is this going to take me?

              A: I know you are busy bringing up children (and doing a million other things).  But I also know that by doing the guilt-free mum programme you will hone skills that will save you lots of time and energy in the long run. 

              Q: Why isn’t this free? Or cheaper? 

              A: This programme draws together over 35 years of my experience as a nurse, health visitor, family psychotherapist and mother and more recently, grandmother - and it contains carefully curated information that will remove the stress and uncertainty you feel as a mother - fast. I only wish I’d created this programme much, much earlier because if I had, I know that it would have saved many families a lot of time and money seeing counsellors to try and repair relationships that had become too strained, money spent on consoles and endless games just to ‘keep the kids quiet’ (even though there are far better and easier ways of meeting the families needs) and even in making those panic purchases while shopping to try and stop a public tantrum or sibling argument.

              The real question is:


              "How much do you value the smooth running of your family life, your ability to meet all of your child’s needs, to get your own needs met, and to raise happy, healthy empowered children who grow into happy, healthy and empowered adults life whilst feeling truly and deeply confident about facing anything that may arise in your motherhood journey in the future?"

              If you’ve ever worried that you are not being the mother you would like to be, or that the transitions to school mum, empty nest mum, step mum, mum in law, grandma, etc. might shake your motherhood foundations - then doing this course will give you the confidence to ‘know’ your power as a mother and know just how, when and where to be there for yourself, your children and the other significant people in your life. For the rest of your life!

              You’ll learn skills that are transferable too - to your whole family and to friends and people in your community who struggle with meeting the needs of others and themselves!

              The next guilt-free mum programme begins in November 2020 however there is preparation waiting for you inside right now.

              Sign up now 

              If you would prefer to work with me 1:1 then please book a call with me to talk it through, in this way we can also work with any specific issues that may not be covered in the guilt-free mum programme. We will work together to design the manual for you and your family. The 1:1 includes the guilt-free mum programme (to be undertaken in your own time), a set of in8's "Anxiety Freedom Cards" and face to face online / telephone calls.

              As the 1:1 sessions are quite intense - (although enlightening and enjoyable). I only have limited availability in the next few months so please book your call as soon as possible in order to be sure of your place. 

              The guilt-free mum programme: 


              90 day money back guarantee


              If you send me your completed manual within 90 days of purchase and tell me why you’re not happy with the results - I will refund you in full. 

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